Monday 1 November 2010

Going for gold.

Hello world,

So my best friend's birthday looms and so does the deadline for am awesome costume.

The them: Game as...

I will be game as a Trojan, my other friend is Game as a Grecian. We're going to re-write historic legend when Troy doesn't fall. Friday night is fight night and I intend to win.

For all this fun to take place I've ended up covered in gold spray with lungs full of laqur.


Thursday 28 October 2010

My Veins are so Veiny!

Hello world,

Its now been a full two days recovering from one night out and I still don't feel right.

If you were drugged how would you know?

after barely being able to move, sleep, eat or stop shaking I still refused to seek medical advice but surely it couldn't have been just a hangover?

Why do we put our bodies through this when we know we will only feel bad?

Tomorrow I start the end of my smoking ways.

Cold turkey... just like Boxing Day dinner.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Is too much of anything too much?

Hello world,

After battling all week for us to get heating oil so the house isn't freezing, the tank finally got filled up today and thankfully the heating kicked in with little fuss... or so we thought.

All of the hot water upstairs surged to my radiator at the start of the circuit and my room is on fire whilst the rest of upstairs is still reminiscent of Reykjavik during a harsh winter.

How can I complain about it when I have been moaning about the cold for 2 weeks and no one else seemed to mind?

Fickle me.

Sunday 17 October 2010


Hello world,

How many times have I stop-started this? maybe I don't have anything of value to say but if I am saying something then it means something to someone even if its me that is the person that it means something to.

The comment with the shallowest of intents can still be the deepest thing we have heard all day.